The Mayflower Autonomous Ship (MAS) has a number of live data feeds that are usually available whilst it is out at sea.

You can use the data feeds to find out all kinds of things about the ship, including:

  • Live Navigational Data & AIS track
  • Live Ship Status
  • Live Science & Data Collection Status and readings
  • Live Weather Data
  • Replay Data

The live data feed is available via MQTT from, we are also looking into making historical data avaialble once the MAS has completed it’s voyage from the UK to US in Spring 2022.

Connecting using MQTT

You can connect to our public MQTT broker using both traditional MQTT and MQTT over websockets (useful if you want to build a web page that consumes the data).

The connection details are:


Port: 1883

MQTT Websockets

Port: 443

Because our broker is public and read only, there is currently no authentication required.

MQTT Topic Tree

As of March 2022, the current high level topic tree is as follows:

  • status
  • replay
  • AIS
  • science
    • science_pod
    • depth
    • ctd
    • flurometer
    • o2

@andysc is also hosting a Hypercat catalogue here. This can be a great way of programatically exploring the topics and data available.

Status Feed

When connected via Cellular or Satellite to the internet, the MAS can send a small packet of data up on a semi-regular basis (conditions dependant) containing a summary of the ships status.

topic Data Type Notes
JSON JSON object This is a JSON Object summarising the data to save you from subscribing to individual topics
date Timestamp When the status update was recieved
shipDataTimeStamp float Unix Epoch timestamp for when the update was sent on the MAS
shipStatus string Ship Status: offline, standby, autonomous, remote
shipConnectivity string Whether the satelite link is active (Connected / Disconnected)
shipRudderAnglePercentThousands float The Rudder angle in degrees, the key name is misleading
shipLatitudeDeg float MAS Latitude in Degrees
shipLongitudeDeg float MAS Longitude in Degrees
shipHeadingDeg float MAS Heading in Degrees
shipSpeedOverGroundMS float MAS Speed over ground in m/s
shipCourseOverGroundDeg float MAS Course over Ground in Degrees
shipThrottlePercentThousands float MAS Throttle - TODO
shipPitchDeg float MAS Pitch in Degrees
shipRollDeg float MAS Roll in Degrees
waterDepthM float fathometer depth in meters
batteryVoltageTenths float Overall battery voltage in tenths
batteryCapacityPct float Battery charge capacity in percent
solarChargerPowerWatts float Solar Power charging rate in Watts
weatherDataTimestamp float Unix Epoch timestamp for when the weather update was made
temperatureDegC int The Temperature where the MAS is
windSpeedKmH int Windspeed where the MAS is
windDirectionDeg int Wind Direction where the MAS is in Degrees
weather string short weather conditions description
weatherPhrase string longer weather conditions description
sunrise timestamp Sunrise time where the MAS is
sunset timestamp Sunset time where the MAS is
_id string Database record ID for this update

JSON Example

   "shipDataTimeStamp": "1648751244.0",
   "shipLatitudeDeg": "50.36032",
   "shipLongitudeDeg": "-4.11589",
   "shipPitchDeg": "0.0",
   "shipRollDeg": "0.0",
   "shipSpeedOverGroundMS": "0.004",
   "shipCourseOverGroundDeg": "265.996",
   "waterDepthM": "0.0",
   "shipHeadingDeg": "168.7925",
   "batteryCapacityPct": "94.186989",
   "batteryVoltageTenths": "539.831846",
   "shipThrottlePercentThousands": "0.0",
   "shipRudderAnglePercentThousands": "-20.0",
   "solarChargerPowerWatts": "0.0", "shipStatus": "Standby",
   "weatherDataTimestamp": "1648751251.827717",
   "date": "2022-03-31 18:27:31.827717+00:00",
   "temperatureDegC": "7", "windSpeedKmH": "26",
   "windDirectionDeg": "350", "weather": "sun",
   "weatherPhrase": "Fair",
   "sunrise": "2022-03-31 05:55:25+00:00",
   "sunset": "2022-03-31 18:46:53+00:00",
   "shipConnectivity": "Connected",
   "_id": "6245f2931317b53e48ecc133"

AIS Feed

The MAS is equipped with an AIS transponder which allows it to transmit it’s location, speed and bearing from almost anywhere in the world. This data is recieved either locally by other ships or via satelite so that it can be tracked by services online like MarineTraffic. In cases where the MAS onboard satellite connection fails, then AIS is the best way to track it.

topic Data Type Notes
JSON JSON object This is a JSON Object summarising the data to save you from subscribing to individual topics
time ISO8601 Timestamp When the AIS update was recieved
latitude float Latitude of the MAS in degrees
longitude float Longitude of the MAS in degrees
speed float Speed in Knots
heading float Heading in degrees
courseOverGround float The Actual course of the ship
turnRate float Rate of turn (°/min)

JSON Example

   "timeStamp":"2022-03-31 18:28:12"


Whilst the MAS is alongside the dock, the live data feed may not be particularly eventful. For those who might want to demonstrate their projects, a Replay feed is available on the replay topic. This has the same or similar underlying topic structure as the live topics with a few bonus topics only available once the MAS has offloaded certain datasets. Currently, the replay feed is replaying the June 2021 main voyage and should restart once complete on a loop.

For brevitys sake, the subtopics below will link to their live counterparts if they have them:

Hazard Feed

One of the experiments onboard the MAS is looking at how to optimise machine learning algorithms on custom silicon and so was running a simple object detection algorithm on the 6 camera feeds around the mast (Note: This is not the same system used as part of the AI captain, which does not have a data feed). Once the captured images and recorded classifications were uploaded off the MAS, these were added to the replay feed on the following topics:

topic Data Type Notes
JSON JSON object This is a JSON Object summarising the data to save you from subscribing to individual topics
time ISO8601 Timestamp When the classification was made
epoch_time Unix Epoch Timestamp When the classification was made
object_name string The classified object name
object_id integer The classified object ID
prob float The classification probability
cam_id integer The camera ID (1 to 6)
annotation URL A URL to the captured image with the annotation

JSON Example

   "object_name":"traffic light",

Note: This object detection model was not built specifcially for the environment the MAS is in (the sea), or the cameras (Wide angle, with Infra Red at night). As such, you may see some entertaining / bizzare classifications for objects. Please be assured that this is absolutely fine!

Science Feeds

These feeds are generated by a number of sensors and other science based systems on board.


This is a fairly low level feed of diagnostic information about the Science Pod cluster running on the MAS400. It probably won’t be hugely interesting to many people, but is used to drive a few aspects of the dashboard.

Topic: science/science_pod

Topic Data Type Notes
JSON JSON object This is a JSON Object summarising the data to save you from subscribing to individual topics
timestamp integer Unix Epoch Timestamp (seconds since 1970) when the reading was sent
timestamp_iso ISO8601 timestamp When the reading was recieved
environment/temperatureC float The temperature in degrees C within part of the science Pod. This is expected to be around the 40° mark during full operation
environment/humidity float % humidity within part of the science pod.
environment/pressureHPA float Atmospheric pressure within part of the science pod in hPa (hectopascals)
ups/batteryCapacity integer percentage capacity of the science pod UPS
ups/batteryCharge integer percentage charge of the science pod UPS
ups/batteryVoltage float voltage of the science pod UPS batteries - usually around 10v
ups/inputVoltage float input voltage from the MAS into the science pod - usually around 12v
ups/outputVoltage float output voltage from the UPS to science pod internal components - usually around 12v
ups/batteryTemperature float Average temperature on the UPS board - usually around 40° when the pod is active.
experiments/hydrophone string Shows the state of the hydrophone experiment RUNNING / OFFLINE / ERROR
experiments/gnssimu string Shows the state of the gnss / imu experiment RUNNING / OFFLINE / ERROR
experiments/video string Shows the state of the ocean wave energy experiment RUNNING / OFFLINE / ERROR
experiments/tds string Shows the state of the hazard detection experiment RUNNING / OFFLINE / ERROR

Science Pod Raspberry Pi Status

This is low level remote telemetry, giving us information about how the four Raspberry Pi 4s that make up the Science Pod are operating. For most people, this data is pretty useless, but it allows the MAS team to understand how running the experiments over long periods of time effects the hardware.

Topic: science/science_pod/system/etsMasPi<1,2,3,4>

Topic Data Type Notes
freeMemory float Free RAM in megabytes (higher number is better)
cpuLoad float CPU Usage on the Pi (These Pis have 4 cores)
cpuVolts float CPU Voltage
cpuClock float CPU Clock
cpuTemp float CPU Temp in degrees C
diskRoot float  
throttleUndervolt boolean Set to true if the Pi has had to throttle the CPU due to undervoltage
throttleFrequency boolean Set to true if the Pi ARM CPU has been frequency capped
throttleThrottled boolean Set to true if the Pi is currently Throttled
throttleSoftTempLimit boolean Set to true if the Pi has throttled due to the CPU temperature getting to hot

JSON Example

    "timestamp": 1651688203,
    "environment": {
        "temperatureC": 41.71,
        "humidity": 19.703760135651397,
        "pressureHPA": 1020.9364672979422
    "ups": {
        "batteryCapacity": 100,
        "batteryCharge": 100,
        "batteryVoltage": 10.09,
        "inputVoltage": 12.01,
        "outputVoltage": 12.01,
        "batteryTemperature": 41
    "experiments": {
        "hydrophone": "RUNNING",
        "gnssimu": "RUNNING",
        "video": "RUNNING",
        "tds": "RUNNING"
    "system": {
        "etsMasPi1": {
            "freeMemory": 2374.160384,
            "cpuLoad": 0.07,
            "cpuVolts": 0.8438,
            "cpuClock": 0.3333208,
            "cpuTemp": 55.5,
            "diskRoot": 4.85222,
            "throttleUndervolt": false,
            "throttleFrequency": false,
            "throttleThrottled": false,
            "throttleSoftTempLimit": false
        "etsMasPi2": {
            "freeMemory": 95.06816,
            "cpuLoad": 1.07,
            "cpuVolts": 0.8688,
            "cpuClock": 0.500000992,
            "cpuTemp": 60.3,
            "diskRoot": 2.623864,
            "throttleUndervolt": false,
            "throttleFrequency": false,
            "throttleThrottled": false,
            "throttleSoftTempLimit": false
        "etsMasPi3": {
            "freeMemory": 266.801152,
            "cpuLoad": 0.4,
            "cpuVolts": 0.8438,
            "cpuClock": 0.500000992,
            "cpuTemp": 54,
            "diskRoot": 11.696636,
            "throttleUndervolt": false,
            "throttleFrequency": false,
            "throttleThrottled": false,
            "throttleSoftTempLimit": false
        "etsMasPi4": {
            "freeMemory": 109.604864,
            "cpuLoad": 4.09,
            "cpuVolts": 0.8563,
            "cpuClock": 0.500000992,
            "cpuTemp": 69.1,
            "diskRoot": 2.684844,
            "throttleUndervolt": false,
            "throttleFrequency": false,
            "throttleThrottled": false,
            "throttleSoftTempLimit": false


The MAS has a Valeport VA500 Underwater Altimeter installed that will allow it to track the depth of the sea floor under the MAS up to 100m deep.

Topic: science/depth/#

Topic Data Type Notes
JSON JSON object This is a JSON Object summarising the data to save you from subscribing to individual topics
time ISO8601 Timestamp When the reading was recieved
depth integer The measured depth of the surface below the MAS400
depthUnits string The depth units from the sensor (M) - Meters
pressure integer The current water pressure.
pressureUnits string The pressure units from the sensor (dbar)

JSON Example

    "timestamp": "2022-05-02T07:13:26.000Z",
    "depth": 0,
    "depthUnits": "M",
    "pressure": 0,
    "pressureUnits": "dBar"


The MAS has a Chelsea Vlux AlgaePro fluorometer installed that tracks characteristics of algae in the water, this can be useful for tracking algal blooms.

Note: The fields for this sensor are still being documented.

Topic: science/fluorometer

Topic Data type Notes
JSON JSON object This is a JSON Object summarising the data to save you from subscribing to individual topics
time ISO8601 Timestamp When the reading was recieved
ChlAc2 float  
ChlBc2 float  
phycoerythrin2 float  
phycocyanin2 float  
turb float  
ABS1 float Absorbance at 450nm
ABS2 float Absorbance at 470nm
ABS3 float Absorbance at 530nm
ABS4 float Absorbance at 625nm
ChlAc3 float  
ChlBc3 float  
phycoerythrin3 float Uncorected fluorescence
phycocyanin3 float  
intTemp float  
gain float  

JSON Example

    "timestamp": "2022-05-02T07:21:47.000Z",
    "ChlAc2": 0,
    "ChlBc2": 0,
    "phycoerythrin2": 0,
    "phycocyanin2": 0.468,
    "turb": 142,
    "ABS1": 0.104,
    "ABS2": 0.182,
    "ABS3": 0.179,
    "ABS4": 0.163,
    "ChlAc3": 0,
    "ChlBc3": 0,
    "phycoerythrin3": 0,
    "phycocyanin3": 0.373,
    "intTemp": 20.557,
    "gain": 3


A CTD (Conductivity, Temperature, Depth) sensor from Valeport is installed which allows us to track the depth, temperature, and salinity of the water.

Topic: science/ctd

Topic Data type Notes
JSON JSON object This is a JSON Object summarising the data to save you from subscribing to individual topics
time ISO8601 Timestamp When the reading was recieved
pressDepth float Pressure in dBar (decibar)
temperatureDegC float Water Temperature in degrees C
soundSpeedms1 float Sound velocity in the water in m/s
salinity float Salinity of sea water in PSU
densitykgm3 float Density of the sea water in kg/m3

JSON Example

    "timestamp": "2022-05-02T07:21:47.000Z",
    "pressDepth": 0.605,
    "temperatureDegC": 13.887,
    "soundSpeedms1": 1504.696,
    "salinity": 36.329,
    "densitykgm3": 1027.242


An Aanderaa o2 sensor is installed which provides o2 readings of the sea water the MAS is passing through.

Topic: science/o2

Topic Data type Notes
JSON JSON object This is a JSON Object summarising the data to save you from subscribing to individual topics
time ISO8601 Timestamp When the reading was recieved
measurement1 integer  
measurement2 integer  
o2Concentration float O2 Concentration in µM
airSaturationPct float Air Saturation %
temperatureDegC float Water Temperature in Degrees C
calPhaseDeg float Calibrated Phase
tcPhaseDeg float Temperature compensated phase
c1rphDeg float Phase measurement with blue excitation light (deg)
c2rphDeg float Phase measurement with red excitation light (deg)
c1AmpvV float Amplitude measurement with blue excitation light (mv)
c2AmpvV float Amplitude measurement with red excitation light (mv)
rawTemp float Voltage from thermistor bridge. (mV)

JSON Example

    "timestamp": "2022-05-04T18:27:17.000Z",
    "measurement1": 4835,
    "measurement2": 1008,
    "o2Concentration": 323.443,
    "airSaturationPct": 103.238,
    "temperatureDegC": 15.242,
    "calPhaseDeg": 29.869,
    "tcPhaseDeg": 32.145,
    "c1rphDeg": 38.783,
    "c2rphDeg": 6.638,
    "c1AmpvV": 654.3,
    "c2AmpvV": 901.8,
    "rawTemp": 423.4

Future planned feeds

As we get closer to departure, more feeds will come online to monitor the status of the MAS, it’s sensors and experiments. Once they are brought online, they will be documented in the sections above.

Planned feeds

topic description
science_pod Status and alerts from the onboard science pod
hazard_detection Classifications from the experimental hazard detection system
hydrophone Classifications from the Marine Mammals Experiment
sensors sensor data from the ‘wet’ sensors mounted on the MAS
microphone Clasifcaitons from the internal microphone onbaord the MAS
